The Forest Products Association of Binh Dinh (FPA Binhdinh)was established under Decision No. 3413/QD-UBND dated 24/09/1999 of the People’s Committee of Binh Dinh. From 28 members on the establishment, now we have 85 members, operating in the production of wood processing, supply of raw materials, and equipment for wood processing. Although there are diversification and vary in business types and sizes but the our members are showing solidarity and support each other, having the same determination to build up and advert “Binh Dinh Furniture” brand name to the market in the world .
Fpabinhdinh’s Mission, Guiding principles and Goals
Forest products association of Binh Dinh is a civil, career, volunteer organization of enterprises, economic organizations and individuals operating in the production, import and export timber and forest products in the province Binh Dinh Province with the aim of:
- Supporting, helping each other in term of capital, training, market; consulting skills management business; applying new technology, … to improve production and product quality;
- Reducing disputes on patent infringement, acts of unfair competition, infringement of interests to each other; enhancing cooperation in production, market development and building image for wood products of Binh Dinh;
- Creating more jobs and improving living standards for workers.